Publié le dans Inspiration

Notion stories, Valentine’s edition: how 3 women make the most of every personal moment

Par Lexie Barnhorn

Head of Social & Influencer, Notion

1 minutes de lecture

Connie created a date-me doc. Elizabeth planned her wedding. Jay keeps her kids’ schedules.

The three women in this week’s Notion stories are at different stages of life, but they have one thing in common: They all use Notion to organize and manage the personal moments that matter most.

Connie was striking out with dating sites, so she struck out on her own. “In one night,” she laughs, “I copy-and-pasted my entire OKC profile into Notion.” How’s it going? She’s sharing a Notion page with one possible paramour where they update everything from date ideas to books they want to read, that’s how it’s going. “It’s really cute,” she says. Keep us posted, Connie.

You know you’re winning when your in-laws have a great time and your dad’s the last one on the dance floor. Elizabeth used Notion to plan her entire 2022 wedding, from flowers to deadlines to vendors, and says the whole experience was surprisingly stress-free. Plus, she says, “I’m an expert in every Bay Area venue now.” Congrats, Elizabeth. Sounds like you need to create a template.

Her eldest son has Down Syndrome. Her other three kids have OCD and ADHD. Their mother Jay uses Notion to keep her very busy family happy, healthy, and above all organized. “If you’ve got a system, it kind of means you can put it aside and get on with life,” she says. “Having kids opens up your mind to love that you could never have for anyone else.”

Got someone you’d like to see in a future Notion story? Let us know! And once more for ’24: Happy ❤️ Day to Connie, Elizabeth, Jay, and all the rest of us and our loved ones.

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